Let's Work Together

Uncover Your Magic

Lettering by Sarah Ward

Have you ever felt like there is something inherently wrong with you? That you must be the only one feeling this way?

Friend, I can relate. Our bodies didn’t come with instruction manuals. If you didn’t learn it from you parents or a trusted teacher, the how are you supposed to know how to operate this body that you call home?

If you’ve been looking for answers outside of you, you’ve been looking in the wrong place. But how would you know otherwise when culture has trained us to distrust us own instincts.

For years I searched outside of myself for validation. I struggled to hear my own voice or the voice of the divine. The only way I knew to connect to my sense of worth was to confess my sins.

I have news for you: The magic lives inside of you.

The role of a coach isn’t to tell you what to do. I’m here to lead you to the well of your own wisdom.

I hold sacred space for women, men and couples in a re:wilding process to come home to their bodies. You're guided through a somatic experience in your body to uncover your truth. Like Ram Dass says, “We’re walking each other home.”

Photo by Sierra Greenlee

Together we create a safe space where you give yourself permission to excavate your burning desires. With desire lighting the way, we’ll collaborate to reclaim your body, your story, your sexuality.

The answers you are looking for? They’re hidden right under your nose, buried deep in your body and your sensations.

Who knew?

All along, you held the map to find your way home.

Claim your 30-min free session!

What’s it like working with me

Photo by Jenna Duffy

In session, I create a container that is safe and nurturing so you can root down and feel held. Based on your desires, I cater the experience to fit you, guiding you through breathwork and embodiment practices. I am in service to you. 

The VITA™ coaching methodology I work with is trauma-informed. Sessions are somatic in nature (soma means of the body) which means we involve the body in the healing process. This is different from talk therapy where you talk through the experience. In somatic experiencing, we feel into it.

We see what is alive inside you and focus on sensations that are happening in the body. The answers to your questions are buried inside you, like hidden treasure. As your guide I help you interpret what you uncover. 

Since these Tantric and Daoist practices are somatic, you may be asked to do simple things like: 

  • Close your eyes 

  • Breathe deeply 

  • Move your body in subtle ways

Don’t worry – you won’t be asked to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. You are encouraged to tap into your body to see what feels right in each moment. 

Consent is integral to safety. Only when the nervous system is relaxed can healing occur.

It was a very moving process which left me feeling vulnerable but yet so empowered in body, mind and spirit. I am so grateful that you were there to witness and support me through that clearing process. I felt your care and willingness to help me overcome this major hurdle and blockage...and provided a safe space where I could feel a sense of control.

-Ghazal, Psychologist and Coach

How does this work?

Working 1:1 provides the container where you can be with whatever comes up for you. Being in a body can be messy! Let’s tend to whatever is asking to be held.

Somatic healing practices will help you reclaim and re:wild your body, unraveling old stories that no longer serve you. Pleasure is the antidote to trauma and is used to help melt away numbness.

What you’ll get

The investment

For best results, it’s recommended to commit to three months of weekly or six months of bi-weekly sessions.

You have a wonderful way of relating and connecting that helps normalize whatever I'm going through. That really helps me feel heard, understood and safe. It's a good feeling. You did a good job of guiding me through tools and helped me achieve surrender in the practice. My body really needed that.

-Sherry, Yoga Instructor and Coach

My education and qualifications

Photo by Sierra Greenlee
  • Erotic Blueprints Coach (in progress) | Jaiya

  • The Science of Pleasure (in progress) | Isabela Bottura, OBGYN

  • Certified VITA™ Love, Sex, Relationship Coach | Layla Martin

  • Reiki Level II Certification | Ipsety Healing

  • User Experience Design Certification | CareerFoundry

  • Image Management Consulting Certification | Conselle Institute

I learned so much during my coaching session. You helped me to fully accept my badass grandmother as my inner caregiver and by freely allowing this ancestral connection to flow through me, I am already different. She was there but I wasn't allowing her to be in there in the capacity that we both wanted. Thank you again for the powerful experience.

-Julie, Massage Therapist

If you’d love to learn more, please reach out!

I’d love to chat and see if we’d be a good fit.

Let's chat!