Sep 12Liked by Sarah Ward

I now have a lover who is incredible at working with my sensitivity, including working with softer touch and energetics. WOW. The heights of pleasure I experience are out of this world. I appreciate all of your tips and your framing around being sensitive- I can relate and can do an even better job of working with my sensitive system in the rest of my life.

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Love this Sarah! I think I need to dig deeper into my pre-intercourse sensitivity, there's a heady element to sex nowadays that I don't like. How do you recommend learning more about your sensitivites and turn-ons?

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Renee, thank you so much for adding your voice to the mix! What a great question, thank you for asking. This seems like a great opportunity to explore on your own first. Set up some time to drop into the body and start to turn yourself on. Practice consent! Check in with your body before you touch her to see if you are a yes, and then proceed. You may hear a no, which may mean not yet, or not today. Trust your body in her wisdom.

I would recommend starting with the lesser known erogenous zones and see what you respond to. (You can find a comprehensive list online.) Not all of them will be your favorite, which is totally fine. You're just gathering data that you can then share with your lover! Once you have some sense of your turn-on's, then you can start folding it in to lovemaking / sex / whatever you prefer to call it.

With your partner, you two might explore slowing down the foreplay process to give yourself time to adequately get turned on before getting to the juicy stuff. How does this land with you?

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Nice! Will look into this!

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And in case you would like to explore this further, I invite you to schedule a free 30-minute discovery call here: https://calendly.com/sarahwardco/30min?month=2024-07

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