Disclaimer: I use the word pussy in this essay. That word might make you comfortable, and if it does, I invite you to sit with it and see what you can learn about yourself.
I love this whole thing . Well done, Sarah. I often think about how powerful women are. There's no tech overlord or mad scientist or anyone at all that can do what a person with a womb can do--create a human life. With no instructions! Incredible :)
This means so much coming from you, Lane. Honestly though! While science is doing great things, nothing can compare to the effortless wisdom inherent in a womb. Thank you!
As a trans woman one of the effects of hormones I cherished was the change of smell "down there". It's one of those subtle wonders... Reading about the natural diversity of vulvae is much appreciated. I feel there's a lot of anxiety around surgery outcomes, especially in young straight trans women - I hope this education helps them. I'm happy mine is unique - as a result of my decisions and the body I was born with and a bit of chance, probably 😉
Hannah, I cherish your words and this glimpse into your experience as a trans woman. It's remarkable to hear how the smell of the vulva in a trans woman exists as well! This is me sitting at your feet, learning from you. I'm so glad that you found this piece to be helpful for you. Absolutely! Your biome is 1000% unique to you. Thank you for being here.
Thank you for the shoutout and compliment, Sarah! Grateful for writers like you who are helping pave the way to feminine reclamation. Women set the tone, *always*.
My absolute pleasure, Vashti! It hasn't been my pleasure to be pregnant or give birth yet, so I moved by your experience. 💯 We are here to set the tone and support us all to level up.
Thank you for being here and sharing your thoughts! I appreciate your perspective growing up across the pond. Fascinating! My partner and I were just talking about how the word "cunt" seems to be used quite commonly in the UK. I agree -- the C word takes the cake as the worst slur for me.
I've been watching a fair amount of entertainment out of Ireland and noticed how much they threw around the word cunt.
Cultural differences and contexts make a big difference! My mom speaks Cantonese and with the different tones that exist in the language, it's easy to make a mistake to accidentally call a mom an animal by accident if you're not careful.
Very informative, thank you. It's also good to know that every element that makes up our species was originally forged in the heat of a Star, we are all literally Star born.❤️🤗
Toilet paper is not our friend. No matter how you use it, it leaves something of itself behind. It is what stinks and itches. I always use a baby wet wipe after!!
You are so right, Rita! I recently saw an ad about how toilet paper also leaves toxic chemicals in our bodies (um, no thanks), so I'm investigating other avenues. A wet wipe is a great idea! Is there a brand that you favor?
Costco/Kirkland seems cheapest but, I’m getting ready to sell the house and nomad on a skoolie so, it’s going to be whatever I find in a single package…
Thank you for this piece!! I’ve recently found a horrible Instagram post with someone claiming" why does my lunch look like it’s 32 and ready to settle down.” Naturally, I had to respond: "Babe, pick up, misogyny is calling”
You WON’T believe the amount of incels responding to my comment. (Also no idea of female anatomy). They commented the most horrendous things, like how I must have been abused, "a hoë, etc. and how I must look the same due to commenting on the post… ugh, basically promoting their "neat body ideals”
It makes me sick to my stomach that (young) men think that way, but then again, they have probably never come near a pussy.
Elena, thank you for being here and your share! What a quick quip; misogyny is indeed calling! Ugh, I despise how unsafe the internet is! I'm sorry how horribly they spoke to you, and I hope that you blocked each and every single incel that showed up in your space. You get to be a boundaries creature that decides who can bask in your energy.
This post has brought up some misogyny here on Substack, too. They exist everywhere.
If men want to have access to women's bodies, may they learn decency and respect. We all play a role in calling out inappropriate behavior when we see it. In a high tide, all ships rise.
Lovely piece, Sarah. It reminded me of the work of Nick Karras, his book of labial photography and the accompanying documentary film, Petals, the making of the book, by Beck Peacock. I disagree only with your statement that the word Pussy is used derisively. I wonder if that is an American usage as here in Canada it is generally a benign term. in fact, I use it and have only heard it used as a term of endearment, so much softer and more familiar than the anatomically correct Vulva. And nicely inclusive of the whole region in a time when the Vagina is still incorrectly singled out in attempts to reference, well, Pussys in a more modern way. A few years ago I was delighted with the pink Pussyhat movement and thought it would finally legitimize the term Pussy, which is why I am dismayed today to read of its still-unsavoury usage. While I am allergic to and do not care for cats, I have been well accompanied through a long and juicy life by my very own Pussy.
Thank you, Ellen, for being here and your thoughtful words. Thank you for introducing me to Nick Karras, I was unfamiliar with this work, and really love the title of Petals.
I can see what you mean about pussy also being used in other contexts. If a lover breathlessly says, "That fucking pussy..." in a reverential or awe-inspired tone, vs. a sports coach yelling "That fucking pussy!" about a player on the field, these are very different contextually. I'm Canadian also, though don't have recollection of pussy being used fondly, though perhaps that's changed! And I welcome it. That's a great point about how the term Pussy was so markedly involved in the Women's Marches. I remember the pink beanies / toques!
Agreed -- pussy is brilliant in being inclusive of vulva and vagina, both. You're so right about the term vagina being incorrectly named, when someone is really speaking about the vulva.
I am allergic to cats, and am also completely obsessed, so I have two felines. I also lovingly tend to my own Pussy also! What can I say -- I live in devotion to Pussy.
The energetic blueprint is my strongest gateway into turn-on, for sure. I like women with big rangy brains who are deeply connected to their body.
I hung out on the erotic freedom club for a while, yet found it the majority of people there are pretty expressively shut down. Substack is much more my kind of place. The big hearts and brains and connected bodies write here. And if she can’t write or communicate transparently I ain’t got no interest.
The Energetic is definitely the first in my Blueprint stack! A potent gateway indeed.
That's a fascinating finding about the erotic freedom club. Perhaps a microcosm of the greater world? You're right about Substack though! There is a freedom that exists here. We can be free. We can speak truth. Reading and writing are such turn-ons! Our brains are very clearly sex organs!
My pleasure to share and to bathe in your words. My pussy got wet reading it 😯
I think I knew from the start. I was probably one of those babies born with my finger in my butt. (Placenta is perfect baby lube😂). Having done considerable trauma history deep inner review, I was popped by multiple people for touching my butt.hole.
Still, by the time I was 7 or so I knew that climbing a tree, pulling down my pants and bombs away pooping onto the ground was my kind of kinky thrill 😂
By 15 I knew that sliding marbles inside me felt incredibly good. I also knew that the risk of getting caught had severe consequences. I grew up in the deep south.
I dated girls. Not just any girls: the most beautiful and stacked girls. I learned to tit fuck at 17 and the ecstasy of having her swallow every drop. Females with that special mojo turn me on so hard. I love having guy friends but have never felt the urge for them to fuck me or me to fuck them. That’s just the way it’s been.
Another time I got a 16 ounce glass Coke bottle, the kind with a smooth rim probably used hand lotion as lube, and sat on it. Oh my Goddess that fullness that stretching sensation…fuck!!! Then I got in the bathtub and hopped up and down, shaking the soda and feeling it explode inside me. I was totally ignorant of rectal hygiene of course. That’s why I got in the bath tub: I knew poop was going to be a problem.
Another interesting part of my sexual journey was that for my entire adolescence I never masturbated to orgasm. Not once. So I must’ve been practicing semen retention and transmutation of sexual energy intuitively. Once I figured out how to jack off at 20 I quickly made up for lost time😂
Then came decades crossing the vast anal desert.
Sometime around the turn of the century I fulfilled lifetime fantasy. It was daytime and I was sitting in a ring of about 16 people at Burning Man. I had spent a couple of hours reading her [astrology chart], and she looked at me and asked
“so what do you like?”
She was hot, as were many of the women in the circle. There were several men too, but that wasn’t going to stop me from nutting into eternity.
“Is that OK with y’all? If I cum right here?”
Everybody nodded and it was on like donkey Kong. I reached into my Nepalese bag/purse and fished out a pretty decent size butt plug and a bottle of lube. I was wearing a pink sequined mini skirt and cowboy boots and a wide brim sun hat. My divine erotic feminine was practically squirting already.
I pulled up my skirt revealing my purple throbbing cock and lubed up the butt plug. I scooted my hips forward to the edge of the lawn chair so everyone who wanted to could watch my pussy getting stuffed.
I had never felt that kind of turn on. Every delicious millimeter stretching my pussy wider produced Wave after Wave after Wave of cum. I spurt -came back then.
Sometimes in meditation I will go back in time and create a parallel reality. Now I go back to that time and cum energetically on and on and on and on and on until they are like, “what the fuck dude!”
Everybody wants to know how to do that for themselves 😂😝👊
I am thereafter known as “Mr. MegaCum.”
Then for whatever reasons I took a break into the late 2000-teens. fuck that, I know why: I hooked up and married a super vanilla woman. It took 15 years before I said fuck it and started moving up in toy size considerably. Wifey initially wasn’t too keen on it. But I persisted and eventually got her to drive. One day I was legs akimbo, feet flying up in the air, sayin hey diddy diddy put your kitty in the middle and a swing like she didn’t care…her driving, me energetic cumming, and I said to her “fuck this is my love language!”
That made a big impression. Something about me experiencing true love -perfect bliss most intensely and beautifully through orgasm was a bit much for her.
We divorced about five years later. I never stopped cultivating cum-gasm generating healing and ecstatic consciousness from then on. Now it’s included in my daily meditation practice. I feel like a superstar, and if I’m the only one who feels that way it’s more than enough. Goddamnit!😂
Cormorant, I feel like we are reading excerpts from your scintillating tell-all memoir! I have compassion for that part of you that was called out by adults for exploring your body -- particularly for someone in the Deep South. I can hear the wildness in your adventurous approach to understanding your body. That's a fascinating observation of how you were unconsciously practicing ancient Taoist semen retention from an early age! What an unforgettable experience at Burning Man. It sounds like the Energetic really helps you ride the waves of pleasure and keep going.
Fascinating that despite your expansive Shapeshifter self, that something led you into a marriage with a super vanilla woman. I'm glad you found your way through. It's even your daily meditation practice! So glad that you are leaning in.
It was her deep kindness. She was and is a unicorn: navigating her life with pointed purpose to see and love and bless everyone around her. Deep kindness is my number one most important quality in a life partner, and she has it in spades. However, she is a sensual blueprint dominant and gets stuck in her head and disconnected from her body.
When I learned about the blueprints a year or so ago she was not enthusiastic about it. I encouraged her to take the test and she came out very dominantly sensual with a flat zero in sexual and kinky. I bought a massage table and started working deeply into her body. But she had no interest in dropping deep into her pleasure, and a woman dropping deep into her pleasure is the hottest thing I know.
I didn’t know about Shapeshifter stuff before reading Jaiya’s book. So many lights turned on in my head and body as she was describing the Shapeshifters experience of just being too much for most people. I was definitely too sexual for my ex. And I was making virtual connections around the globe with women who understand exactly who I am because they are very much the same! I was transparent about that with her, and it hurt her. I never wish to hurt a loved one, so it was simply necessary to leave. Her path is taking her one direction and my path is taking me a very different direction.
I left last May, from Colorado to Northern California… Mount Shasta: the root chakra power vortex, and continued to open my root chakra wider and wider up there high on the mountain. What I had begun learning about no-ejac orgasm in Colorado bloomed magnificently on the mountain.
Thank you for reading the story of my growth and transformation. I write and post everything primarily for me, and it’s sometimes surprising that someone, anyone, gets it. I realize that I made a series of choices which constricted my full expression. Sometimes it just takes a long time to figure that out.
I agree, “pussy” comes closer to capturing the entire sensuality, with just the right amount of naughty (which is important 💦😊)!
Delectable pussy
Dripping pussy
Squirting pussy
Writhing pussy
Ravenous pussy
The apt descriptors go on…
I have identified as a cishet male all my life.
Yet I have come to appreciate the power of my own Energetic (from The Erotic Blueprints) pussy. I’m about as far as you can get from the typical penis body orgasm-er. The big reason why is I am friends with my own pussy.
Over the past several years I have explored anal play along with connecting Divine masculine and Divine feminine within. Surprisingly, my hetero male sexual response is far slower than my inner feminine erotic response. Hers is damn near immediate!
After cleaning everything in preparation for play, I like to squirt a dollop of lube onto my fingers and just land those fingers flatly onto my anus. Instant orgasm. Immediate presence in the infinite ocean of orgasmic bliss. The consciousness with which I do this feels powerfully feminine.
Of course psychedelic mushrooms add mind blowing elements to pleasure and awakening consciousness. I prefer taking a relatively low dose (1 shroom) then waiting half an hour and taking one long draw of cannabis flower smoke.
“Holy fucking shit you gotta be kidding me!!!”
It’s like surfing in the orgasmic ocean, from smaller waves all the way to those 100 foot giants. After surfing for a while (who knows how long, who’s got time or cares to look at a clock?) I am washed ashore, spent, needing some r&r before paddling back out.
during these intense orgasmic waves I am not having a typical male orgasm. I am not ejaculating, not because I can’t but because I am harnessing all of that orgasmic energy into healing and calling forth my most beautiful powerful self. I am calling my future into being. I have access to this magical transformative transmutational energy which I almost never hear of from other men.
My sex life is light years better now than when I was 25 yo.
It's so good to see you again, Cormorant! So many feels coming up from your juicy and intimate share! Fuck yes to the naughty element of the word pussy. I love how you're in touch with your Energetic self (high five to my fellow Energetic Erotic Blueprint type!) and your Energetic pussy. Each of us contain the polarity of both masculine and feminine, cock and pussy.
How fascinating that you've been able to get so intimately familiar with these parts of your sexuality and how they respond! First off, I love that lube is part of your practice. And that's incredible how responsive you are to anal pleasure. Was it always that way for you, or have you been able to cultivate that responsiveness in your soma?
What transcendent pleasure and limitless orgasm you tap into! Folding in these natural psychedelics are such a potent aid for you to ride these cosmic pleasure waves! You've been able to expand past ejaculation to harness your multi-orgasmic nature! If you are willing to share, were you guided into this practice, or was it innate?
Here's to having the best sex of our lives! It certainly wasn't at 25 for me either! Thank you for sharing so openly what is possible!
Pussy is arguably the most powerful pejorative word in the English language. It is the ultimate salacious smack to a woman’s dignity, used when the intention is to hurt, humiliate, and fracture her humanity.
There is no woman alive who has not had her pussy defiled or discriminated against, in some way. Belittlement. Gender discrimination. Rape. Molestation. Income inequality. The necessity for Title IX.
That's an interesting thought that you bring, C Q, and not something I've considered before this.
In our culture, we use dick and dickhead as an insult, but using these terms don't seem to have the same weight as pussy. When you call a man a pussy, that's a very bad no good thing. It's an offense to his very masculinity. When you call someone a dick, the impression I have is that it doesn't have the same heft. Thoughts?
I love this whole thing . Well done, Sarah. I often think about how powerful women are. There's no tech overlord or mad scientist or anyone at all that can do what a person with a womb can do--create a human life. With no instructions! Incredible :)
This means so much coming from you, Lane. Honestly though! While science is doing great things, nothing can compare to the effortless wisdom inherent in a womb. Thank you!
I often think this is part of where misogyny comes from. They are afraid of our power!
Undoubtedly. We saw this in the Mormon church. We see it now.
Scientific advances now mean that both sperm, and ova have been artificially created in a laboratory:
As a trans woman one of the effects of hormones I cherished was the change of smell "down there". It's one of those subtle wonders... Reading about the natural diversity of vulvae is much appreciated. I feel there's a lot of anxiety around surgery outcomes, especially in young straight trans women - I hope this education helps them. I'm happy mine is unique - as a result of my decisions and the body I was born with and a bit of chance, probably 😉
Hannah, I cherish your words and this glimpse into your experience as a trans woman. It's remarkable to hear how the smell of the vulva in a trans woman exists as well! This is me sitting at your feet, learning from you. I'm so glad that you found this piece to be helpful for you. Absolutely! Your biome is 1000% unique to you. Thank you for being here.
Absolutely love this. So thrilled I found your work.
I feel the same, Stephen! Thank you for being here and your kind words.
Thank you for the shoutout and compliment, Sarah! Grateful for writers like you who are helping pave the way to feminine reclamation. Women set the tone, *always*.
My absolute pleasure, Vashti! It hasn't been my pleasure to be pregnant or give birth yet, so I moved by your experience. 💯 We are here to set the tone and support us all to level up.
Awesome article.
Where I grew up (London, UK) "pussy" is a lovely thing (but could also mean "weak", just to back up your point), but "cunt" was the worst slur ever.
But in e.g. parts of Ireland, "cunt" is used as punctuation in ever sentence as as a term of affection!
These differences have always fascinated and amused me.
Thank you for being here and sharing your thoughts! I appreciate your perspective growing up across the pond. Fascinating! My partner and I were just talking about how the word "cunt" seems to be used quite commonly in the UK. I agree -- the C word takes the cake as the worst slur for me.
I've been watching a fair amount of entertainment out of Ireland and noticed how much they threw around the word cunt.
Cultural differences and contexts make a big difference! My mom speaks Cantonese and with the different tones that exist in the language, it's easy to make a mistake to accidentally call a mom an animal by accident if you're not careful.
So - "cunt" gets used in Ireland lots and, afaik, definitely *not* in England - again, based on what I've seen.
Originally a 17th century word for sheath, in the UK it is still has the power to shock, hence certainly up North we use the word, "Twat."😳
Very informative, thank you. It's also good to know that every element that makes up our species was originally forged in the heat of a Star, we are all literally Star born.❤️🤗
Graham, that is such a poetic way to say it. We are made of star stuff, truly. Actually! Your words remind me of something I saw recently… apparently in the moment of conception, when the sperm and egg meet, there is a flash of light. How incredible: sparks fly… in more ways than one. ⚡️ https://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-just-captured-the-actual-flash-of-light-that-sparks-when-sperm-meets-an-egg
Interesting article, zinc, who knew.❤️ Oh well, back to my anthropomorphic mares.😉
I knew it was magical! :D
Your instincts were right, Frederic! 🪄
Toilet paper is not our friend. No matter how you use it, it leaves something of itself behind. It is what stinks and itches. I always use a baby wet wipe after!!
You are so right, Rita! I recently saw an ad about how toilet paper also leaves toxic chemicals in our bodies (um, no thanks), so I'm investigating other avenues. A wet wipe is a great idea! Is there a brand that you favor?
Costco/Kirkland seems cheapest but, I’m getting ready to sell the house and nomad on a skoolie so, it’s going to be whatever I find in a single package…
Nope. Cheapest, all/only water.
You can't go wrong with water! Wishing you well in your nomadic season!
Very interesting , makes me love it even more
Yes, Angus! Love this for you.
It sho’ nuff is…I love’em
This sounds so devotional, UncleWormie!
Thank you for this piece!! I’ve recently found a horrible Instagram post with someone claiming" why does my lunch look like it’s 32 and ready to settle down.” Naturally, I had to respond: "Babe, pick up, misogyny is calling”
You WON’T believe the amount of incels responding to my comment. (Also no idea of female anatomy). They commented the most horrendous things, like how I must have been abused, "a hoë, etc. and how I must look the same due to commenting on the post… ugh, basically promoting their "neat body ideals”
It makes me sick to my stomach that (young) men think that way, but then again, they have probably never come near a pussy.
Elena, thank you for being here and your share! What a quick quip; misogyny is indeed calling! Ugh, I despise how unsafe the internet is! I'm sorry how horribly they spoke to you, and I hope that you blocked each and every single incel that showed up in your space. You get to be a boundaries creature that decides who can bask in your energy.
This post has brought up some misogyny here on Substack, too. They exist everywhere.
If men want to have access to women's bodies, may they learn decency and respect. We all play a role in calling out inappropriate behavior when we see it. In a high tide, all ships rise.
I agree! It’s so frustrating, though! That wave of incel growth online
Lovely piece, Sarah. It reminded me of the work of Nick Karras, his book of labial photography and the accompanying documentary film, Petals, the making of the book, by Beck Peacock. I disagree only with your statement that the word Pussy is used derisively. I wonder if that is an American usage as here in Canada it is generally a benign term. in fact, I use it and have only heard it used as a term of endearment, so much softer and more familiar than the anatomically correct Vulva. And nicely inclusive of the whole region in a time when the Vagina is still incorrectly singled out in attempts to reference, well, Pussys in a more modern way. A few years ago I was delighted with the pink Pussyhat movement and thought it would finally legitimize the term Pussy, which is why I am dismayed today to read of its still-unsavoury usage. While I am allergic to and do not care for cats, I have been well accompanied through a long and juicy life by my very own Pussy.
Thank you, Ellen, for being here and your thoughtful words. Thank you for introducing me to Nick Karras, I was unfamiliar with this work, and really love the title of Petals.
I can see what you mean about pussy also being used in other contexts. If a lover breathlessly says, "That fucking pussy..." in a reverential or awe-inspired tone, vs. a sports coach yelling "That fucking pussy!" about a player on the field, these are very different contextually. I'm Canadian also, though don't have recollection of pussy being used fondly, though perhaps that's changed! And I welcome it. That's a great point about how the term Pussy was so markedly involved in the Women's Marches. I remember the pink beanies / toques!
Agreed -- pussy is brilliant in being inclusive of vulva and vagina, both. You're so right about the term vagina being incorrectly named, when someone is really speaking about the vulva.
I am allergic to cats, and am also completely obsessed, so I have two felines. I also lovingly tend to my own Pussy also! What can I say -- I live in devotion to Pussy.
Energetic is 1 of the 4 Blueprints which turn me on. I’m a fully blossomed Shapeshifter.
I love how connected you are with your divine masculine and feminine. You abide. You are The Dude [ette].
Likewise, I abide.
When intelligence and fire get in the sandbox together…
Yessssssssss! 🔥
Most excellent, Cormorant! I'm a Shapeshifter as well!
The energetic blueprint is my strongest gateway into turn-on, for sure. I like women with big rangy brains who are deeply connected to their body.
I hung out on the erotic freedom club for a while, yet found it the majority of people there are pretty expressively shut down. Substack is much more my kind of place. The big hearts and brains and connected bodies write here. And if she can’t write or communicate transparently I ain’t got no interest.
The Energetic is definitely the first in my Blueprint stack! A potent gateway indeed.
That's a fascinating finding about the erotic freedom club. Perhaps a microcosm of the greater world? You're right about Substack though! There is a freedom that exists here. We can be free. We can speak truth. Reading and writing are such turn-ons! Our brains are very clearly sex organs!
My pleasure to share and to bathe in your words. My pussy got wet reading it 😯
I think I knew from the start. I was probably one of those babies born with my finger in my butt. (Placenta is perfect baby lube😂). Having done considerable trauma history deep inner review, I was popped by multiple people for touching my butt.hole.
Still, by the time I was 7 or so I knew that climbing a tree, pulling down my pants and bombs away pooping onto the ground was my kind of kinky thrill 😂
By 15 I knew that sliding marbles inside me felt incredibly good. I also knew that the risk of getting caught had severe consequences. I grew up in the deep south.
I dated girls. Not just any girls: the most beautiful and stacked girls. I learned to tit fuck at 17 and the ecstasy of having her swallow every drop. Females with that special mojo turn me on so hard. I love having guy friends but have never felt the urge for them to fuck me or me to fuck them. That’s just the way it’s been.
Another time I got a 16 ounce glass Coke bottle, the kind with a smooth rim probably used hand lotion as lube, and sat on it. Oh my Goddess that fullness that stretching sensation…fuck!!! Then I got in the bathtub and hopped up and down, shaking the soda and feeling it explode inside me. I was totally ignorant of rectal hygiene of course. That’s why I got in the bath tub: I knew poop was going to be a problem.
Another interesting part of my sexual journey was that for my entire adolescence I never masturbated to orgasm. Not once. So I must’ve been practicing semen retention and transmutation of sexual energy intuitively. Once I figured out how to jack off at 20 I quickly made up for lost time😂
Then came decades crossing the vast anal desert.
Sometime around the turn of the century I fulfilled lifetime fantasy. It was daytime and I was sitting in a ring of about 16 people at Burning Man. I had spent a couple of hours reading her [astrology chart], and she looked at me and asked
“so what do you like?”
She was hot, as were many of the women in the circle. There were several men too, but that wasn’t going to stop me from nutting into eternity.
“Is that OK with y’all? If I cum right here?”
Everybody nodded and it was on like donkey Kong. I reached into my Nepalese bag/purse and fished out a pretty decent size butt plug and a bottle of lube. I was wearing a pink sequined mini skirt and cowboy boots and a wide brim sun hat. My divine erotic feminine was practically squirting already.
I pulled up my skirt revealing my purple throbbing cock and lubed up the butt plug. I scooted my hips forward to the edge of the lawn chair so everyone who wanted to could watch my pussy getting stuffed.
I had never felt that kind of turn on. Every delicious millimeter stretching my pussy wider produced Wave after Wave after Wave of cum. I spurt -came back then.
Sometimes in meditation I will go back in time and create a parallel reality. Now I go back to that time and cum energetically on and on and on and on and on until they are like, “what the fuck dude!”
Everybody wants to know how to do that for themselves 😂😝👊
I am thereafter known as “Mr. MegaCum.”
Then for whatever reasons I took a break into the late 2000-teens. fuck that, I know why: I hooked up and married a super vanilla woman. It took 15 years before I said fuck it and started moving up in toy size considerably. Wifey initially wasn’t too keen on it. But I persisted and eventually got her to drive. One day I was legs akimbo, feet flying up in the air, sayin hey diddy diddy put your kitty in the middle and a swing like she didn’t care…her driving, me energetic cumming, and I said to her “fuck this is my love language!”
That made a big impression. Something about me experiencing true love -perfect bliss most intensely and beautifully through orgasm was a bit much for her.
We divorced about five years later. I never stopped cultivating cum-gasm generating healing and ecstatic consciousness from then on. Now it’s included in my daily meditation practice. I feel like a superstar, and if I’m the only one who feels that way it’s more than enough. Goddamnit!😂
Cormorant, I feel like we are reading excerpts from your scintillating tell-all memoir! I have compassion for that part of you that was called out by adults for exploring your body -- particularly for someone in the Deep South. I can hear the wildness in your adventurous approach to understanding your body. That's a fascinating observation of how you were unconsciously practicing ancient Taoist semen retention from an early age! What an unforgettable experience at Burning Man. It sounds like the Energetic really helps you ride the waves of pleasure and keep going.
Fascinating that despite your expansive Shapeshifter self, that something led you into a marriage with a super vanilla woman. I'm glad you found your way through. It's even your daily meditation practice! So glad that you are leaning in.
It was her deep kindness. She was and is a unicorn: navigating her life with pointed purpose to see and love and bless everyone around her. Deep kindness is my number one most important quality in a life partner, and she has it in spades. However, she is a sensual blueprint dominant and gets stuck in her head and disconnected from her body.
When I learned about the blueprints a year or so ago she was not enthusiastic about it. I encouraged her to take the test and she came out very dominantly sensual with a flat zero in sexual and kinky. I bought a massage table and started working deeply into her body. But she had no interest in dropping deep into her pleasure, and a woman dropping deep into her pleasure is the hottest thing I know.
I didn’t know about Shapeshifter stuff before reading Jaiya’s book. So many lights turned on in my head and body as she was describing the Shapeshifters experience of just being too much for most people. I was definitely too sexual for my ex. And I was making virtual connections around the globe with women who understand exactly who I am because they are very much the same! I was transparent about that with her, and it hurt her. I never wish to hurt a loved one, so it was simply necessary to leave. Her path is taking her one direction and my path is taking me a very different direction.
I left last May, from Colorado to Northern California… Mount Shasta: the root chakra power vortex, and continued to open my root chakra wider and wider up there high on the mountain. What I had begun learning about no-ejac orgasm in Colorado bloomed magnificently on the mountain.
Thank you for reading the story of my growth and transformation. I write and post everything primarily for me, and it’s sometimes surprising that someone, anyone, gets it. I realize that I made a series of choices which constricted my full expression. Sometimes it just takes a long time to figure that out.
Love this piece, Sarah.
I agree, “pussy” comes closer to capturing the entire sensuality, with just the right amount of naughty (which is important 💦😊)!
Delectable pussy
Dripping pussy
Squirting pussy
Writhing pussy
Ravenous pussy
The apt descriptors go on…
I have identified as a cishet male all my life.
Yet I have come to appreciate the power of my own Energetic (from The Erotic Blueprints) pussy. I’m about as far as you can get from the typical penis body orgasm-er. The big reason why is I am friends with my own pussy.
Over the past several years I have explored anal play along with connecting Divine masculine and Divine feminine within. Surprisingly, my hetero male sexual response is far slower than my inner feminine erotic response. Hers is damn near immediate!
After cleaning everything in preparation for play, I like to squirt a dollop of lube onto my fingers and just land those fingers flatly onto my anus. Instant orgasm. Immediate presence in the infinite ocean of orgasmic bliss. The consciousness with which I do this feels powerfully feminine.
Of course psychedelic mushrooms add mind blowing elements to pleasure and awakening consciousness. I prefer taking a relatively low dose (1 shroom) then waiting half an hour and taking one long draw of cannabis flower smoke.
“Holy fucking shit you gotta be kidding me!!!”
It’s like surfing in the orgasmic ocean, from smaller waves all the way to those 100 foot giants. After surfing for a while (who knows how long, who’s got time or cares to look at a clock?) I am washed ashore, spent, needing some r&r before paddling back out.
during these intense orgasmic waves I am not having a typical male orgasm. I am not ejaculating, not because I can’t but because I am harnessing all of that orgasmic energy into healing and calling forth my most beautiful powerful self. I am calling my future into being. I have access to this magical transformative transmutational energy which I almost never hear of from other men.
My sex life is light years better now than when I was 25 yo.
It's so good to see you again, Cormorant! So many feels coming up from your juicy and intimate share! Fuck yes to the naughty element of the word pussy. I love how you're in touch with your Energetic self (high five to my fellow Energetic Erotic Blueprint type!) and your Energetic pussy. Each of us contain the polarity of both masculine and feminine, cock and pussy.
How fascinating that you've been able to get so intimately familiar with these parts of your sexuality and how they respond! First off, I love that lube is part of your practice. And that's incredible how responsive you are to anal pleasure. Was it always that way for you, or have you been able to cultivate that responsiveness in your soma?
What transcendent pleasure and limitless orgasm you tap into! Folding in these natural psychedelics are such a potent aid for you to ride these cosmic pleasure waves! You've been able to expand past ejaculation to harness your multi-orgasmic nature! If you are willing to share, were you guided into this practice, or was it innate?
Here's to having the best sex of our lives! It certainly wasn't at 25 for me either! Thank you for sharing so openly what is possible!
Pussy is arguably the most powerful pejorative word in the English language. It is the ultimate salacious smack to a woman’s dignity, used when the intention is to hurt, humiliate, and fracture her humanity.
There is no woman alive who has not had her pussy defiled or discriminated against, in some way. Belittlement. Gender discrimination. Rape. Molestation. Income inequality. The necessity for Title IX.
It’s the same as calling a man “dick/dickhead”?
That's an interesting thought that you bring, C Q, and not something I've considered before this.
In our culture, we use dick and dickhead as an insult, but using these terms don't seem to have the same weight as pussy. When you call a man a pussy, that's a very bad no good thing. It's an offense to his very masculinity. When you call someone a dick, the impression I have is that it doesn't have the same heft. Thoughts?