Aug 28Liked by Sarah Ward

I love reading you. Your writing is so beautiful without being cumbersome. And I am feeling enlightened! Thank you for doing the hard work :) I’m def gonna try these, and fall more in love with myself

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Melanee, your words make my heart sing. Thank you so much. ♥️ YES, falling more in love with yourself sounds like a top of the mountain experience. I want this for you, too.

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Aug 25Liked by Sarah Ward

Interesting, I didn’t know they made arousal gummies! Thanks🌹

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My pleasure, Tara! I appreciate that people are putting research and funding into female sexuality.

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Love Layla!!! Thanks for sharing all this great info.!!!

The Mood sup ingredient lists look great!!

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Agreed!!! Layla is such a luminous visionary! So grateful to have had the chance to sit at her [virtual haha] feet to learn from her wealth of knowledge.

For a minute, I wasn’t sure how well MOOD was working for me, but someone told me that when it comes to mushrooms, you need to take a 10 day to 2 week break after you’ve been using it for 90 days. Otherwise it stops being effective. So that was a great learning today! When I revisited the elixir, I felt all the benefits come online right away! Highly recommend. Would love to hear your experience it/when you try MOOD!

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So good to know!! Thanks 😊

Ordered Ecstasy, Sex Magic & Sensuality😍

Will report back😂

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Yay, have such a blast! Ecstasy was my go-to for daily use in morning smoothies and Sex Magic for sexy date nights. So excited to hear how it goes for you.

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Ooohhh fun!! I want to try them all 😂 now to decide which one will be first!

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What a delightful decision you have ahead of you! I'd love to hear your experience when you do!

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omg I love this!!! great work Sarah!! Im

def gonna get my hand on those mood gummies! and I also follow Layla Martin podcast so super neat that you’re down with her stuff too!

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Luna, thank you so much for your kind words!! Love that! I studied intensively with Layla during 2021 - 2022 for my VITA coaching certification, so she's part of my direct lineage! Such a wise woman.

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Ong ive been thinking about taking her certification! maybe this is my sign😍

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Oh my goodness, so exciting! Especially considering she’s only going to lead VITA for a few more years. I would be happy to jump on a call with you in case you have any questions or are curious to learn more.

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Oooooo this post is HOT!!!

I was wanting to try Mood, thanks for the link.

How good is your job hahahaa

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Thank you, darling love! I can't wait to hear your experience with MOOD!

OMG no kidding! What can I say, I live for the research 😉

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